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Monday 14 November 2011

Senior Health information

Senior Health As you move into your senior years, you can accumulate a number of nagging health conditions. But you can do something about many of these. It is possible to alleviate and even reverse many of these health problems.
Many have vibrant health straight though 110 years of age. You can reverse or alleviate many Senior Health conditions. Of course you need to follow the advice and prescriptions of your licensed medical provider. But a few changes in habits can often make a BIG difference.
We are the generation that has seen many changes. Why not make a few that will leave your feeling better each day? Here are a few topics. I promise to add others as I do more research. Again, if you have a particular Senior Health condition that you would like to see included on this page, do use the CONTACT FORM at the end of the page.
List of Senior Health helps:
  1. Arthritis There are two different forms of arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.Researchers have found that boron seems to play a role in arthritis. Click on: Boron: Osteoporosis AND Arthritis
    Those with Rheumatoid arthritis, might want to check outArthritis Free for Life
  2. Fall prevention Don't break a hip
  3. Lyme disease is often a misdiagnosis. It can appear to be any one of a number of cognitive or muscular diseases.Check out theLyme disease symptoms page.
  4. All about Cholesterol. This articles has links to articles How to Increase your good (HDL) Cholesterol and Reduce your bad (LDL) Cholesterol.
  5. Osteopenia and Osteoporosis Excessive bone loss can be reversed. Click here for my other web site: Senior health:at
  6. Kyphosis or back hump. Here is an articleabout Kyphosis exercise
  7. Tinnitus - If you have ringing, clicking, roaring sounds in your ears, you know how annoying Tinnitus can be. Friends have said that they would do anything to stop the sounds. Here is a program that offers a 60 day money back guarantee. Eliminate your Tinnitus
  8. Vitamin B12 deficiency often occurs in those over age 60.Here are 3 pages with information.
    • Who is at most risk for B12 deficiency?
    • Symptoms of B12 deficiency
    • Important tips for taking B12 supplements
If you want me to include information about other health problems, just use the form below. I shall read the scientific research about it and summarize it here.
Now, I am very careful about what web sites I recommend or programs I suggest. There is so much 'marketing hype' out there and I want this web site to be one you can trust.
If you use one of the web sites or one of the programs and find a problem with it, please let me know so I can investigateit further. (You can use the contact form at the end of this page.)
Also, if have a particular health conditions that you would like to see included on this page, do use the contact form to let me know. I am always researching and I might come across something worthwhile.

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